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Question 7:  What did God create on the fifth day? -Genesis 1:20-23

*Note: God created sea creatures and birds on the fifth day. Evolutionist believe that life began in water and that land creatures evolved over billions of years from creatures that breathe under water. The question that Evolutionists can't answer is how fish, who breathe through gills, could ever evolve into land creatures who breathe with lungs. The moment a fish comes out of water, it begans to suffocate and die.
Every living thing also has a DNA code in every cell that determines all the features of the creature that the cell is a part of. In order for evolution to take place from a fish to a land animal, there would have to be a change made in the DNA. Scientists have never observed a change in the DNA code at the exception of mutations. Mutations have never been observed to make a creature better or more useful, but instead mutations make the creature weaker or disabled, such as a child being born with sick cell disease or hemophilia.