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Question 9:  Who did God create to rule over the animal kingdom? -Genesis 1:26

*Note: God's crowning act of creation was the creation of man, as we are made in the exact image of God. God gave man authority over all the beasts of the field and fish in the sea. Though, certain fish or beasts may be stronger than humans, we are smarter and can devise weapons to trap or kill any animal out there. To say that humanity evolved from much lower species, such as apes, is absurd and an insult to God. Evolutionist came up with these evolution charts, as shown to the left, depicting the gradual evolution of mankind, but have never found any real evidence of their theory. Half humans and half apes, called hominids by evolution scientists, have never been proven to exist. Dishonest evolution scientists have tried to fabricate several hominid archeological findings, such as "Lucy", found in 1974 in Ethiopia. Lucy was later believed by proven to be the skeleton of a chimpanzee or a young gorilla. Lucy's skeleton was only 40% complete, yet scientists claimed she was evidence that hominids existed.


*Note: Then, there's the story of the "Piltdown Man". In 1912, several bits of bone were discovered in a gravel pit in England. They were pieces of a skull and jaw. The skull looked like that of a human, but the jaw was much like an ape's jaw. This was exiting news for evolutionists. At last, they had their supposed evidence. Newspapers around the world carried this amazing story. This fossil stood proudly on the side of evolution for about 40 years, but then it all came crashing down. It turned out to be a fake! Someone had used a real human skull and joined it together with a jaw from an orangutan. The bones were stained with a special chemical to make them look old. Also the teeth were filed to make them look like human teeth. All scientists know now that the Piltdown Man was a fraud by lying scientists. The Bible says in John 8:44 that Satan is the father of lies!